S***, I've been quoted.
By KeadilanRaykat.org, nonetheless.
Let me first state that the reason why I said yes to answering Shin's questionnaire for this article is because I'm an attention-seeking whore. Let that be known.
And on to the two points elaborated by the article, before I go on about other things I did say to Shin. Since he did say he was getting a bunch of people to answer him, and he's writing for a political party's website, I don't blame him for not representing my view completely. To give him credit, though, he represented my view fairly accurately.
- Yes, I did think the whole Jeff Ooi saga was a mess. I'd even call it a fucking fiasco. Yes, the government did stretch its credibility on this one. So did other bloggers, though, for jumping into the bandwagon and mindlessly calling Jalan Riong every name they could think of.
- I do try to moderate the comments here— as well as I possibly can. Personal insults to me, I generally keep, especially if I think the insult is not worth my attention. Personal insults to people I know and like, or generally racist and inflammatory shit, I delete. I can't ban you, but I'll tell you to STFU if you don't fucking behave.
Now, for the points not covered by Shin et al.
Of who and why they did this to Jeff, I don't know or care. I will, however, comment on the result: big fuckup, dudes. Not that I don't expect anything better from you, but still, you fucked up. Congratulations.
We've apparently mastered the technology and infrastructure behind the whole Internet thing, but that's easy — it's a matter of memorization and familliarity, and even idiots can do it if they put their minds to it. I mean, take a look at some of the bloggers who are online and you'll see what I mean.
Yeah. Buncha poindexters.
I also told Shin that I hate feedback in general. There's a reason why I don't allow anonymous comments, and this is it. Given the chance, I wouldn't allow comments in a blog until I see the email address of the commenter, send a message to him to check that the email account is real, and by then still hold the right to muzzle the little shit if he pisses me off. All Blogger allows me to do is screen out non-Blogger account owners. I can live with that. For now.
I also described the newspaper industry as a ‘creaky, corrupt edifice’. But I also called bloggers ‘wanky, elitist prod-noses and memetic vigilantes’. There are reasons for this; some of it is because some of you are. Or all of you are, sometimes.
Because of this, I suggested that bloggers and newspapermen learn to work together, because more often than not the both of you will find that it is better to pool your resources and work on each other's strengths rather than pontificate about how the Other Guy is Evil or Stupid or Misguided. Stop it.
Just shut up and learn to cooperate with one another, why don't you?